pad work | grading objectives | making the grade | requirements | tips and reccomendations | what to expect

What to Expect On Grading Day

On the day of your grading you will be expected to arrive on time and dressed in your South East Academy uniform. Your uniform should be clean and you should be well presented. If you have any injuries or suffer from any disorder that may affect your health performance on the day then please make sure you inform the South East Academy secretary before the grading day (Tel: 01628 784 254). You will also be expected to bring this to the attention of the grading panel on the grading day before the grading takes place. All students will be given relevant time to warm themselves up thoroughly prior to the grading commencing you turn up late and the grading has already begun then you will be unable to take your grading and will be sent home.

Once the grading has started it is expected that you not to speak unless you have question or enquiry about something that you are not sure of, or if you are asked a direct question by the grading panel. Please be aware that it is likely that you will be asked one or more questions at some stage throughout the grading to test your understanding and application of certain techniques or principles. You will be given water breaks at various times throughout the grading but eating is not allowed.

You will be asked to complete all walking techniques in the South East Academy syllabus up to and including black belt grade. (Junior students under 18 years old will be expected to complete from brown belt upwards) all techniques will be marked on technical execution speed power, balance together with effort, attitude and fitness. All of these areas are marked separately and added together to form your final score as shown in the sample grade sheet attached. There are 3 possible outcomes as a result of your grading. They are pass, referral or fail and the percentage needed for each is shown below.

85% and above = Pass 80-85% = Referral 79% and below = Fail

If you score 85% and above in your test you will pass your black belt grading. If you score between 80% & 85% you be classed as being referred. In this case you would not have passed your grading, but will be given a second chance to return at an arranged date to be tested again on selected elements of the grading that the grading panel feel have room for improvement and improved would give you the extra marks needed to pass your grading. (The cost of the referral is free of charge to the student if you score 79 and below this would be closed as a foil which would require you to retake the complete grading test again at the next available grading date that you and your instructor feel will give you enough time to improve you to a pass standard. (The full cost of the grading will apply)

Once your grading has taken place you will be notified within 14 days via post of your grading results. If you are successful you will also be informed of when your grading will be awarded to you.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information please contact the South East Academy secretary via email or phone.

Tel: 01628 784 254
